
Showing posts from November, 2023

Self-Belief is Uncommon

My UG And PG colleges were polar opposites. Our humble UG college only came into existence in 2006. By the time I had joined in 2012, only a couple of batches had passed out. We didn't have many seniors to look up to.  When I had joined MBBS, the general feeling I got from many of the faculty were that we were losers for not joining somewhere better. Many of them had long careers elsewhere in the government sector and only came here after retirement. Perhaps they felt the entire institution was beneath them. And it probably was to some extent if one is to be brutally honest.  But what that meant was batch after batch, students developed an inferiority complex. We were not meant for big things. Most wished to simply pass and see how far they can go in a small clinic setup. We were made to feel like losers and eventually we began to believe that we we'll always be like that.  Students from other colleges seemed to be better than us by default. We felt it was inevitable that we

The Perfect Home is the one That's Still There

" Don't let them get away with it ," my father, 3 weeks before he passed away.  Every villain in history thought they were doing the right thing. There was a reason for their myopic greed. Not a good one perhaps, but good enough for their minds to justify it to themselves. And that is the most important person you need to convince of such things - yourself.  Indian Dreams/Indian Nightmares My parents came from very different backgrounds. My father's parents were quite well off. They lived in the city. They owned acres upon acres of land. Ideally, it should have been enough to sustain generations without much trouble. But something, somewhere went quite wrong.  You see while there was plenty of land to go around, wealth wasn't exactly shared equitably. Some became very prominent through education. Others weren't so gifted and became dependent on getting lucky with a property deal or on their siblings or cousins for handouts.  One can easily imagine how in this