
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Devil in the Details

I was sitting with my friend at the college coffee shop. We were discussing about academics, how to prepare for an upcoming quiz. That's when I got an unexpected call from back home.  It was actually from somebody who claimed to know me but whom I had no memory of. He introduced himself as Shane. Apparently he had arranged some one time duty at some clinic for me many years ago. His number was not even saved on my phone. I'm doubtful whether this story was actually true or whether he just wanted some excuse to talk about why he really called. It didn't take him long to get to the point. Apparently he was going to marry Cathy and the engagement had already happened. He just wanted to know whether there was still (or ever) anything between us as some people used to say.  Rumour Killer Having to deal with this bullshit on the phone was like dealing with a ghost from the past. It'd been so many years since I had to deal with this kind of crap.  I told my side of the story i

A Light That Never Goes Out

When you work in a line of work like medicine, you meet countless number of people every day. You touch so many lives each day, whether that be as a saviour or as a bearer of bad news. We don't like to think of it that much because it can end up becoming overwhelming.  It's only when we're on the other side of the fence that we truly get to appreciate how much an impact people we only get to meet once in our lives end up having on us.  Almost 6 Years Ago It was the short period between the arrival of final year results and the beginning of internship. I remember it was night. I was woken up at around 2am. It was from one of my father's coworkers.  My father had gone to Coimbatore for a short business trip. He was staying in a hotel room and doing what he always used to do then in his free time, watch some rubbish Malayalam TV serials on his phone. That night however, something went horribly wrong.  He started developing weakness over the left side of his body. He had an