
Showing posts from April, 2022

Lessons from Heartbreak City

I've been writing this blog for a long time now (since 2018 actually, which sounds incredible even to me) but I've stayed clear of posting about certain aspects of my life. And for good reason.  I haven't posted anything about my (failed) romantic relationships for several reasons. Firstly, I generally prefer to keep most of these issues private. Secondly, a lot of this can become "he said vs she said" and I'd probably be an unreliable narrator. Thirdly, I usually hide the identities of the people I write about in this blog so they won't be identified in real life but that becomes kinda difficult in this scenario. And lastly, some of this shit is just plain hard to talk about.  But as much as I'd like to pretend it wasn't the case, my relationship issues do have a space in my hall of pain over the past 6 years or so.  Welcome to Heartbreak City It's likely that most people will experience heartbreak at some point in their lives and that's o

2 sides of the same coin

"You're a whimp," said Arun.  It was the day my father died. After the funeral rituals were done with, I'd returned home. There were a couple of friends and relatives who decided to stop by. Most of them were drowning their sorrow in a bottle.  "You need to do something," he said.  Arun was a family friend you could say. He was basically trying to motivate me to take Aunt May to court . To make sure she is made accountable for her misdeeds over the past year leading upto my father's death.  Things aren't really that simple though. Court cases will be long, drawn out and hard on the bank balance. And who really wins in the end, other than the lawyers? Sure, I could make Aunt May's life miserable for a while by freezing some assets (and she did do some things which were not exactly legal) but it wasn't going to bring my father back.  Forgiveness and revenge are 2 sides of the same coin. A coin you toss in search of closure. To find a way to hop