
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Biggest Loser

My family (at least my father's side) has been destroyed over the years by this habit of loaning more money that one could practically pay back. It had lead to my father selling my mother's ornaments early into their marriage which was something my mother understandably never quite got over.  Growing up, I'd basically promised myself that I was never going to be like that. There was nothing I disliked more than having to ask someone for financial help. But sometimes life circumstances don't always allow us to stick firmly to our principles.  An Abrupt Transition  Trying to take care of loved ones when you're struggling to make money is extremely challenging and painful. And in my case, the transition to being the main provider of the house was abrupt. I did not have the maturity to deal with those issues as well as I'd have liked in hindsight.  My father had a massive stroke just before I was about to start internship and eventually had a hemicraniectomy (he had

Who The Fuck Are You?

It is kinda inevitable that when a new authority figure arrives, there is a sense of hope that somehow this will result in things improving. Especially if the new guy was a popular personality previously. And that's how we fool ourselves.  You see, it's very difficult for one person to change the system for the better compared to how easy it is for the system to change that person for the worse.  Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me I've already gone on about how I was failed in final year practicals in one of the most ridiculous ways you could imagine . Considering what happened there, you'd have thought I'd have gotten the hell out of that place the moment my internship concluded. But that sort of common sense eludes me from time to time.  So Madam Vice Principal called me and said there was an opening in the casualty and they needed me to help out because they were struggling to find enough people to join (gee, I wonder why).  I guess I agreed because trying to find a job

Karma Police

Karma is a nice thing to believe in and it's probably real to an extent. People who do bad things have to be exceptionally good at manipulation to get away with it time and time again. Most people just aren't that good and their luck will run out eventually. The reverse isn't necessarily true though. Good things are far from a sure thing for those who try to do good.  My father's side of the family is kinda weird in a way because the gap between the haves and have nots is remarkable. There are doctors who have their own hospitals while others are in their 60s, unmarried and never held a real job in their lives. This set the stage for the jealousy, paranoia and back-stabbing that would occur over the past few decades.  Uncle Festus  Uncle Festus and I have a history that goes way back to when I was just a little kid. He was my father's cousin. From what I remember, he was a gentle, playful man at the time. Compared to Aunt May who I always thought had some bad vibes